Adam Rottinghaus

by JCE February 21, 2019

Adam Rottinghaus is an assistant professor of Media, Journalism & Film at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, teaching courses in strategic communication and media studies. He is a scholar/practitioner who conducts critical research on strategic communications and emerging technologies in work and consumer cultures. He earned a PhD in Communication Studies with a certificate in Cultural Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MS in Communication from North Carolina State. For more than 15 years, he has been an award-winning graphic designer and art director specializing in print, web, and multimedia production, as well as marketing strategy and brand management in both retail and business-to-business contexts. Rottinghaus has published in the International Journal of Communication and the Journal of Cultural Economy. His book project entitled Exponential Culture: Business-to-Business Marketing and the Work of Technological Obsolescence critically examines corporate power and marketing work culture inside the consumer electronics industry.