Andrew Leyshon

by JCE February 4, 2015

Andrew Leyshon is Professor of Economic Geography at the University of Nottingham. His work has focused on money and finance, the musical economy, and the emergence of diverse economies. He is the author and editor of works that reflect these interests. They include: Reformatted: code, networks and the transformation of the music industry (Oxford University Press, 2014), which explores the implications of Peer-to-Peer networks and MP3 software on the musical economy; Money/Space: geographies of monetary transformation (with Nigel Thrift, Routledge 1997), which argued that not only does money have a geography, but that it is inherently geographical, and; Alternative Economic Spaces (with Roger Lee and Colin Williams, Sage, 2003), which sought to account for the diverse ways in which ‘alternative’ economies have emerged within contemporary capitalism. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Environment and Planning A, and of the Editorial Advisory Board of Economy and Society. He was elected as an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2007, and awarded the Ashton Prize for the most innovative paper in Environment and Planning A in 2010.