Kimberly Chong

by JCE June 30, 2020

Kimberly Chong is a Lecturer in Anthropology at University College London. Her research interests include financialization and the anthropology of finance, economic decision-making, ethics and value, and race and gender in the global economy. Her recent book, Best Practice: Management Consulting and the Ethics of Financialization in China (Duke University Press, 2018), argues that management consulting is predicated on the creation of cultures of commensuration, through which new economic imperatives, forms of value, and power relations, are legitimated and naturalized as ‘best’. It reveals the dynamic and fragmented character of financialization when observed on the ground, and how discourses of Chinese state capitalism help to enact, rather than disrupt, financialization. She is currently developing a new research project which looks at racial hierarchies, and their instantiation, under financialization.