Michael Power

by JCE February 8, 2015

Michael Power is Professor of Accounting at the London School of Economics. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), an Associate member of the UK Chartered Institute of Taxation, and an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Risk Management. He has held visiting fellowships at the Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin and at All Souls College, Oxford. He has a number of advisory positions for public bodies, including the Financial Reporting Council, and was Director of the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation at LSE until April 2014. Power has received honorary doctorates from the University of St Gallen, Switzerland and the University of Uppsala, Sweden. His research and teaching focus on regulation, accounting, auditing, internal control, risk management and organisation theory. His major works are The Audit Society: Rituals of Verification (Oxford 1999) and Organized Uncertainty: Designing a World of Risk Management (Oxford 2007).