Fabian Muniesa: 5 Articles

Bad Vibes: An Argument About the Quality of Our Values; JCE 10th Anniversary Event at EGOS

Milton Keynes of the Mind: JCE 10th anniversary event 29 June, Milton Keynes

We are excited to announce that the JCE is co-sponsoring 'Milton Keynes of the Mind' in collaboration with the Open University Citizenship and Governance Strategic Research...

ANNOUNCEMENT: Fabian Muniesa is our new Editorial Board chair

The JCE is delighted to announce that Fabian Muniesa accepted our invitation to chair the editorial board from the start of 2017. Fabian has served on the board since we...

Free Access to Review Symposium on The Provoked Economy

Journal of Cultural Economy is very pleased to be able to provide Free Access to a Review Symposium on Fabian Muniesa's recent work The Provoked Economy: Economic Reality and the Performative Turn.

Free Access reviews: 6 months in

Looking back at the first six months of the journal's new Free Access Reviews and Commentary section.